Book Update

Book Update

Rocking Love, Love Hurts and Savage are now all available on Amazon HERE in paperback and ebook also they are all available for free with kindle unlimited. These books are intended for adults 18+ and don't forget to leave a review. Thanks for your support xoxo  Rocking Love: Zoe doesn't want or need any attention from boys, she's just trying to make it through her week of finals. So when Zoe goes to a concert with her best friend Sara she never imagined she would find a Love so deep it changes her life Forever. Love Hurts: Camilla has had enough her husband Alan has put his hands on her for the last time. Camilla and her friends come up with a plan for her to get away, will she ever be safe? Will she always be running?  Savage: Maui high Dakoda is a senior in high school when her life is turned upside down when something tragic happens to her sister, her parents move her to Hawaii where she doesn't fit in and is bullied relentlessly until her stubbornness and love for surfing saves her. Also check out her tiktok gonna be posting books stuff there soon @cksteadman